Brandtech Launches Bias Breaker

Brandtech Launches Bias Breaker

Brandtech’s “Bias Breaker” technology, the group’s top-rated generative AI marketing platform, addresses the widespread issue of bias.

The Brandtech Group has unveiled a range of initiatives to promote ethical boundaries for generative AI (GenAI), solidifying its leadership within the marketing industry. The “Bias Breaker” technology is central to these initiatives, designed to combat bias in foundation models and provide a comprehensive blueprint for establishing an ethical generative AI policy.

These measures highlight Brandtech’s commitment to advancing generative AI responsibly across three core areas: the recruitment, promotion, and training of its teams, the development of its technology, and the services it provides. With its significant experience since 2018 in delivering scaled generative AI services, Brandtech has established itself as a leader in this field.

Rebecca Sykes, Partner and Head of Emerging Technology at Brandtech, underscored the company’s responsibility as an early adopter: “We believe all companies using generative AI should be transparent about their usage and make clear commitments to ethical practices. We are dedicated to actively shaping AI’s more responsible and ethical future in marketing and advertising.”

Brandtech’s “Bias Breaker” technology, now integrated into Pencil, the group’s top-rated generative AI marketing platform, addresses the widespread issue of bias. Brandtech’s research found that when prompted with the term “CEO”, several major foundation models generated 98-100 per cent male-appearing images, significantly over-representing male CEOs compared to reality. In contrast, McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace study revealed that 28 per cent of C-suite roles are held by women, with 10.4% of Fortune 500 CEOs being female.

Bias Breaker mitigates bias by embedding elements of diversity—including age, race, gender identity, ability, and religion—into prompts, creating a more inclusive and varied set of outcomes. This addresses the limitations of current models, ensuring AI-generated images reflect a broader spectrum of society. Tyra Jones-Hurst, Managing Partner of Oliver US and Founder of InKroud, commented, “Brands cannot simply accept bias as the norm. Bias Breaker provides a way to prioritise inclusivity by building automated features where they do not yet exist.”

In addition to technological solutions, Brandtech has launched a free blueprint to help organisations create their own ethical generative AI policies, drawing on the group’s extensive experience. Furthermore, all client-facing teams have undergone training to guide clients through ethical decision-making processes when implementing generative AI.

David Jones, CEO of Brandtech, emphasised the importance of taking a proactive approach: “When social media emerged, no one anticipated the negative consequences. With GenAI, we can get ahead of potential issues, rather than reacting after the fact. Bekki, Tyra, and the generative AI teams have worked tirelessly with our clients to create best practices and lead the market.”

As Chief Marketing Officers increasingly seek guidance on the ethical use of generative AI, Brandtech’s initiatives offer timely solutions, reaffirming the company’s leadership in the responsible deployment of AI in marketing.