How Customer-facing Teams Can Leverage Advanced AI-powered Analytics

How Customer-facing Teams Can Leverage Advanced AI-powered Analytics

How to use artificial intelligence in customer service and why you should consider using the latest AI-powered advanced analytics.

Understanding customers, expectations, and changing trends

By building a single source of truth with a data universe, Lumenore can capture data from 150+ sources to create a comprehensive view of customer behaviour, making it easy to derive insights from data and take immediate actions to improve their experience.

You can also predict market trends and anticipate changes in customer behaviour with Lumenore’s AI-driven “Do You Know”, enabling CXOs to respond proactively to emerging trends. Our NQL feature, “Ask me”, and visual storytelling allow non-technical professionals to access insights.

The outcome is a higher ROI, improved customer loyalty and boosted sales through targeting qualified prospects. Lumenore’s advanced analytics goes beyond number crunching and can help companies find ways to listen and respond to the needs of their customers, employees, and changing trends in the industry. 

This powerful tool is equipped with the latest AI-powered advanced analytics, so CXOs can make reliable decisions that the future will thank them for.

Optimising marketing spends with scenario analysis

One of the biggest advantages of scenario analysis is that it allows business leaders to create various scenarios that reflect different marketing spends and their potential impact on customer behaviour. 

With alternative market models, you can bring to light a range of potential outcomes and the probability of each. Leaders can deep-dive into the future of market trends and customer behaviour and adjust their marketing strategies in real time, thus achieving better results.

By identifying the most effective marketing strategy for their business, leaders can justify their marketing budget to executives who demand proof of impact and prepare a best-case and worst-case scenario to evaluate the potential impact of positive and negative factors on returns. 

Overall, it can help organisations test the robustness of their decisions, evaluate the impact of unexpected changes and identify potential threats and opportunities. The benefits are optimised marketing spends and well-informed decisions, ultimately driving superior growth and ROI.

Empowering marketing and customer teams with scenario modelling

Organisations must have a steady plan in today’s fast-changing business climate. Scenario modelling makes it possible by creating alternative market models to evaluate potential outcomes and what-if scenarios. 

This way, marketing teams can build a robust, dynamic marketing plan that accounts for changes in consumer behaviour and market conditions. CX teams can also leverage scenario planning to improve employee performance, which leads to increased customer satisfaction. With experiential learning methods like role-playing different workplace scenarios, employees can upgrade their decision-making skills and how they handle tough situations.

By constantly testing theories and preparing for surprises throughout the year, teams can equip themselves with a strategy that allows them to move forward and adapt to changing trends. 

Data-driven decision-making: Examples of success

Data-driven decision-making has become a game-changer for businesses seeking to gain an edge. Take Netflix, for instance, they’re using data from their users’ viewing history, search history, demographics, ratings, and preferences to create AI-powered algorithms that can predict what you want to watch with an 80% accuracy rate.

Lumenore has also helped organisations see fascinating results. A leading entertainment company used data-driven insights to boost their C-SAT score and create a performance management analytics universe. A Tier 1 automotive OEM used a comprehensive data solution to optimise production and accelerate growth.

Real-time analytics and predictive intelligence are only the tip of the iceberg. CX initiatives will continue to be comprehensive, predictive, accurate, and directly linked to financial results. The future of customer experience is driven by data and powered by AI analytics.

Onboarding non-technical teams for maximum potential

Lumenore is a reliable analytics solution, which means it is designed for simplicity and ease of use. With its no-code approach, non-technical teams can quickly become data-driven and gain valuable insights from raw data without coding skills or expertise.

To help non-technical teams get the maximum benefits, we recommend using Lumenore’s online course platform. It requires no prior technical knowledge and covers BI fundamentals and platform usage from beginner to advanced levels. Our team is also available 24/7 to help with any technical issues or questions. 

With self-service BI, organisations can save time and resources, allowing business users to do ad hoc analysis and freeing employees to focus on higher-value goals. This also accelerates organisational processes, leading to faster data analysis and judgement.