Awarathon Introduces a Sales Simulator with an AI Persona Named Trinity


The virtual multiverse offers a practice field for sales reps to perfect their pitch

Awarathon, a seed-funded AI-based video-roleplay-led sales coaching platform, has unveiled the World’s First Sales Simulator featuring Trinity, an AI-generated humanoid persona. Trinity aims to assist organisations in training their sales force within a digital environment that replicates real-life sales pitches.

Leveraging the power of AI, the platform has analysed over 400,000 videos and has garnered a user base of over 50,000 individuals from trusted brands. Awarathon is a digital multi-universe app that offers a one-on-one immersive training experience, employing AI technology to create a digital training arcade. This innovative approach includes Rapid-Fire Questions, Gamified Sales Training, Answer-Based Questions, and instant reports, ensuring high engagement levels.

The customisable training arena enables organisations to enhance the skills and knowledge of their sales personnel, providing opportunities for upskilling and reskilling to keep up with evolving markets.

Introducing Trinity, a sales rep’s interaction with this AI persona occurs through a phone camera or web screen, engaging in interactive video role-plays. Trinity can assume various roles, such as an angry customer, a cheerful buyer, or even a doctor with experience ranging from 2 to 25 years, depending on the specific needs of the company. The objective is to train sales representatives to extract crucial information from clients effectively. 

Trinity possesses conversational abilities and will discontinue the interaction if deceived, emulating the behaviour of a genuine client. Moreover, Trinity reads, records, and translates the performance into a detailed report for team leaders to track the progress of each participant. The assessment tool evaluates various aspects, including gestures, clarity of thought, confidence, key knowledge, and skill parameters, providing actionable feedback through scorecards and dashboards within the app.

The company was co-founded by Harshal Shah, a Harvard Law School alumnus and former lawyer and web entrepreneur Rahul Ghatalia. They aim to introduce AI-driven innovations in sales training programs within learning and development (L&D).

Commenting on the launch, Harshal Shah emphasised the crucial role played by the sales team as the backbone of every organisation. He noted that learning is vital in enabling the sales force to accurately represent the organisation while maintaining consistency in quality and brand tone. Shah pointed out that practising a sales pitch in front of a client is not feasible, as it may result in losing the client. Through AI, Awarathon has created a practice environment with virtual scenarios to prepare the sales team to face real clients, ultimately increasing the probability of successfully closing sales pitches with actual sales.

Co-founder Rahul Ghatalia added that enhancing training effectiveness has led to the creation of Trinity, the world’s only AI Simulator. Trinity’s ability to anticipate real pitch scenarios and generate questions based on real-time answers adds significant value to the training experience.