ConnectiWise and SentinelOne Strengthen Security Partnership

ConnectiWise and SentinelOne Strengthen Security Partnership

MSPs will be given the chance to access a wider range of data protection products as ConnectWise looks to increase its security profile

Managed service providers (MSPs) cannot be unaware of the risks posed by ransomware and the need to strengthen their security. The recent attack on Kaseya, which affected a number of MSPs and customers, underlined just how far criminals were prepared to go to infiltrate supply chains.

Although the year is still only seven months old there have been a large number of ransomware attacks, including an attack on Taiwan-based PC manufacturer Acer, which saw criminals trying to get a ransom of $50m.

ConnectWise has taken steps to improve its position by extending its technology partnership with SentinelOne.

This collaboration will make it possible for MSPs to order SentinelOne Control and SentinelOne Complete as standalone products from ConnectWise instead of having to get them through the SOC-targeted Fortify Endpoint offering. 

Also Read: Top 10 Endpoint Security Providers

SentinelOne Control, which is the current core of ConnectWise’s Fortify Endpoint solution, offers endpoint security protection, including prevention, detection and response. It also allows remote device and endpoint firewall control. The SentinelOne Complete product helps MSPs with threat analysis and the opportunity to identify and remediate against problems.

The collaboration is emphasising that there is flexibility and that the MSP is in the driving seat about which products they choose and if they want to then can take the functionality at the SOC end of the spectrum.

As well as the security announcements, ConnectWise has used its IT Nation Explore event to unveil improvements to its billing and data tools, with BrightGauge Essentials providing dashboards showing the health of a service providers business. ConnectWise Manage Billing Reconciliation gives more help with managing invoices and reducing errors.