Exafunction Aims To Reduce AI Development Costs 


Exafunction will provide a platform that decouples workloads from acceleration hardware like GPUs, ensuring maximally efficient utilisation

Exafunction is developing a platform to abstract the complexity of using hardware to train AI systems. Exafunction aims to address what it sees as the symptom of the expertise shortage in AI: idle hardware.

Exafunction customers will be connecting to the company’s managed service or deploying Exafunction’s software in a Kubernetes cluster. The technology dynamically allocates resources, moving computation onto “cost-effective hardware” such as spot instances when available. At a high level, Exafunction leverages virtualisation to run AI workloads even with limited hardware availability, ostensibly leading to better utilisation rates while lowering costs.

Exafunction will provide a platform that decouples workloads from acceleration hardware like GPUs, ensuring maximally efficient utilisation — lowering costs, accelerating performance, and allowing companies to benefit from hardware fully. The platform lets teams consolidate their work on a single platform, without the challenges of stitching together a disparate set of software libraries.