JFrog Teams Up with GitHub

JFrog and GitHub team up to closely integrate their source code and binary platforms

JFrog and GitHub have joined forces to closely integrate their source code and binary platforms.

GitHub and JFrog announced a partnership that will see a deeper integration between the two companies’ platforms, giving developers and their support teams an easier way to manage both their source code and the resulting binaries across both services.

GitHub‘s CEO Thomas Dohmke, said, “We are using Artifactory ourselves within GitHub. And so it felt natural for us to do more together as we’re thinking about how we can secure the software ecosystem, how we can help our enterprise customers like AT&T and Fidelity or Vimeo. How can we help them to have an end-to end lifecycle. Copilot Extensions is all along those same lines: that we have to partner with other companies in our ecosystem to provide our customers — our developers — the best experience.”

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Similarly, JFrog’s Ben Haim, said, “JFrog is the only comprehensive software supply chain platform in the world. GitHub is a source-code platform. Atlassian with BitBucket — same thing. Artifactory is your binary repository and serves the organisation as the single source of record.”

Among other things, this includes the ability to trace code from source to binary packages across both platforms, single sign-on support and unified project structures, including role mapping. As a result, There will be a unified dashboard in the future that will offer a single view for observing the outcomes of security scans focused on source code and binaries from the security tools of GitHub and JFrog.