Kaspersky Unveils Insights on Human Firewall Vulnerability

Kaspersky Unveils Insights on Human Firewall Vulnerability

Only 18% of companies in the UAE organised training on cybersecurity for their employees, Kaspersky revealed.

Kaspersky unveiled insights on human firewall vulnerability, showcasing defence mechanisms that are essential for organisations to fight against them. According to Kaspersky’s Business Digitisation survey, only 18% of companies in the UAE organised training on cybersecurity for their employees. 9% of businesses did not organise any IT-related training for their employees, even on basic IT functions. If an employee lacks digital skills & knowledge, it may produce serious risks to the cybersecurity of the whole organisation: this employee can open a phishing link or download ransomware on a corporate device, and it will result in financial and reputation losses for the company. 

Emad Haffar, Head of Technical Experts at Kaspersky, said, “The ‘human firewall’ is one of the key defences from cyber incidents. Third-party research showed that 95% of cybersecurity threats are in some way caused by human error. This is why workers on any level — from top managers to interns — should receive proper cybersecurity training. Kaspersky offers the Automated Security Awareness Platform to contribute to the education and upskilling of employees at all levels. The Platform is an online and on-premise tool that builds strong, practical cyber-hygiene skills for employees throughout the year.”

“At the same time, organisations should be ready for the human firewall breach and the threat from within, and for that they need 360-degree protection. Extended Detection and Response – XDR – is a cybersecurity solution that plays a significant role in addressing advanced threats, going beyond traditional Endpoint Detection and Response by providing extended visibility and analysis across multiple security layers and domains. There is a demand for training among employees in the UAE: as many as 8% would like to see more regular trainings on cybersecurity. Most often these are requested by employees working in the spheres of construction and engineering, education, hospitality,” Emad added. 

To help your employees improve their digital skills, Kaspersky experts recommend conducting regular checkups to understand what digital skills are most needed for business. Besides that, they should organise cyber literacy courses and training for employees so they can improve their skills – use Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform, an online learning tool that would help to train employees about relevant topics in cybersecurity.