MariaDB Strengthens Its Distributed SQL Platform Xpand


MariaDB Corporation is releasing Xpand 6 with significant new features, maximising performance with fast operational analytics. Xpand now has the smarts to eliminate the need and inconsistencies of loading data to operational data warehouses.

MariaDB Xpand is a fully distributed SQL database with a shared nothing architecture. Unlike AWS Aurora’s storage replication or Postgres’ read replication, Xpand is a multi-writer, any node can be written to and adds scale for reads and writes, according to the vendor.

Columnar data models are popular for ad hoc analytics and perform well on large amounts of data. Xpand is the first modern distributed SQL database supporting this powerful feature for online-transaction processing. Xpand uses columnar indexes for real-time operational analytics directly on transactional data, without losing consistency or missing the latest transactions.

Developers can leverage this new feature to provide smarter applications, better user experiences, and personal analytics giving their application users the latest status and insights on all data changes that may impact them.

With parallel replication, Xpand implements the equivalent of a multi-lane highway for asynchronous replication of data across geo-locations. The data replication is done independently by each node in the cluster, which increases throughput at lower latency.

Xpand provides transactional consistency by maintaining the order of transactions during replication. Powered by Xpand 6, customers can deploy their global applications across regions and cloud vendors to survive any hyperscale outages.

“With these key new features in Xpand, developers get to broaden their use of analytics in applications without having to worry about performance, at the same time supporting the capability is literally effortless for the database administrators,” said Robbie Mihalyi, senior vice president of engineering at MariaDB Corporation. “The parallel replication capabilities have been shaped by our customers and their business needs, giving them maximum data transfer speeds at minimal latency and control over their data flows.”