Yellowfin Launches World’s First Data Storytelling Feed 


Yellowfin, a world-leading and innovative analytics vendor, has released version 9.6 with new enhancements and capabilities that unify actionable dashboards, automated business monitoring and data storytelling into a unique analytics experience for business users. 

Yellowfin Stories, introduced in Yellowfin 8, enables the creation of data narratives that generate a consistent understanding across an enterprise. Business users have the ability to combine written, long-form analysis with embedded images, text, video or snapshots of analytical content from Yellowfin, all within a governed and secure platform.

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“As analytic capabilities expand, the demand for a new analytics experience beyond traditional dashboards and users is increasing,” said Glen Rabie, CEO of Yellowfin. “Our Signals and Story products are unique and combining feeds from both products with our exceptional action-based dashboards, enables Yellowfin to deliver a unified, consumer-focused analytics experience to our customers who are looking to use data in more decisions.”

According to the leading research firm, Gartner, “By 2025, augmented consumerisation functionality will drive adoption of analytics and business intelligence capabilities beyond 50 per cent for the first time, influencing more business processes and decisions.”

The five key areas of enhancement in Yellowfin 9.6 are:

  • Data Storytelling Feed now allows dashboard designers to incorporate the most relevant Stories directly onto the dashboard.
  • Story Templates can now be created based on existing Stories from the Data Storytelling Feed, providing repeatability and efficiency to authors and allowing them to customise Stories without starting from scratch.
  • Story Filters are now available for Stories, allowing authors to dynamically filter embedded analytic content directly within a Story and save this configuration against the published version, optimising the process of creating recurring Stories.
  • Visualisations have been enhanced on the Chart Builder, enabling analysts to perform deeper customisations with new options for chart axis values and labels, category spacing, and sorting.
  • SAML Authentication now supports native identity provider configuration, enabling IT and DevOps teams to manage authentication parameters and configuration directly within the platform.