AWS Adds Vision ML, IoT Static Endpoints Solutions

AWS Adds Vision ML, IoT Static Endpoints Solutions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has added to its cloud-to-edge capabilities with two new capabilities: Lookout for Vision and IoT Static Endpoints. 

Lookout for Vision

Amazon Lookout for Vision is a machine learning (ML) service that spots defects and anomalies in visual representations using computer vision. With Amazon Lookout for Vision, manufacturing companies can increase quality and reduce operational costs by quickly identifying differences in images of objects at scale. For example, Amazon Lookout for Vision can be used to identify missing components in products, damage to vehicles or structures, irregularities in production lines, miniscule defects in silicon wafers, and similar problems.

Amazon Lookout for Vision uses ML to see and understand images from any camera as a person would, but with an even higher degree of accuracy and at a much larger scale. Amazon Lookout for Vision allows customers to eliminate the need for costly and inconsistent manual inspection, while improving quality control, defect and damage assessment, and compliance.

By employing a machine learning technique called ‘few-shot learning,’ Amazon Lookout for Vision can train a model using as few as 30 baseline images. Customers can get started quickly using Amazon Lookout for Vision to detect manufacturing and production defects (e.g., cracks, dents, incorrect colour, irregular shape, etc.) in their products and prevent those costly errors from progressing down the operational line and reaching customers.

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Customers can begin using Amazon Lookout for Vision in minutes to automate the inspection of images and objects–with no machine learning expertise required. Together with Amazon Lookout for Equipment, Amazon Monitron, and AWS Panorama, Amazon Lookout for Vision is designed to provide industrial and manufacturing customers with a comprehensive suite of cloud-to-edge industrial machine learning services.

IoT Static Endpoints

The company also announced the addition of IoT Static IP Endpoints to the AWS Solutions Implementations portfolio. AWS Solutions Implementations help customers solve common problems and build faster using the AWS platform. 

The IoT Static IP Endpoints solution creates a secure virtual private network (VPN) connection with IoT devices by providing static IP addresses using a single port number. A secure connection is established for network traffic out to AWS service endpoints or other public Internet services. These static IP addresses can be provided to third-party security organisations and have them added to their firewall rules.