Huawei Launches Cloud Services in Egypt

Huawei Launches Cloud Services in Egypt

At the “Huawei Developer Conference Northern Africa 2024” in Cairo, industry leaders discussed the future of cloud technology and AI.

Huawei recently held its annual “Huawei Developer Conference Northern Africa 2024” in Cairo, themed “Spark Infinity.” The event gathered IT experts to explore the latest developments in cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) to construct a smart, flexible, and reliable cloud system for Egypt and North Africa.

The conference served as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering innovation, and encouraging technological creativity, underscoring Huawei Cloud’s commitment to strengthening the regional tech ecosystem through significant investments and incentives. Focusing on AI, databases, and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), the event inspired developers to devise innovative solutions.

Haitham Hamza, Acting Chairman of the Software Engineering Competence Center (SECC), highlighted that Huawei’s Developers Conference aligns with the ongoing efforts of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, particularly through the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), to advance Egypt’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy. 

This strategy seeks to create a supportive environment for developers and innovators, enabling them to develop applications that address current challenges and add value, thereby reinforcing Egypt’s position as a leading regional hub in AI.

Jo Xu, CEO of Huawei Cloud Egypt Business Group, observed that Egypt is at a critical juncture in its digital transformation journey. He emphasised Huawei’s commitment to advancing the developer community, building a robust talent development framework, and driving technological innovation and industry progress.

Jason Ye, COO of Huawei Cloud Northern Africa, announced the official launch of Huawei Cloud services in Egypt this year. This signalled Huawei’s deep involvement in the country’s digital transformation and its commitment to advancing the local ecosystem. He expressed enthusiasm for collaborating with developers to create technology platforms and learning opportunities that would generate business value.

During the conference, Huawei Cloud experts, alongside customers and partners, concentrated on AI, databases, and PaaS, offering detailed insights and sharing best practices and trends across various platforms. Key highlights included:

  • CodeArts: A one-stop R&D platform that integrates DevOps tools into a unified experience, transforming the R&D process.
  • Huawei GaussDB: Setting new standards in managing data expansion, offering China’s largest state-owned banks a state-of-the-art distributed system with response times under three seconds for concurrent transactions.
  • ModelArts: An AI workbench that simplifies machine learning by handling infrastructure and pipelines, allowing users to focus on developing ML models and enhancing innovation and productivity.

To further support young talent, Huawei launched the “Huawei Developer Competition 2024” at the conference, encouraging developers to utilise Huawei Cloud technologies to create innovative projects and applications. This competition allows developers to unleash their creativity and use Huawei Cloud tools to address contemporary challenges and create value for communities.

Xingcheng Lee, Director of Huawei Cloud Oversea Developer Ecosystem, affirmed Huawei Cloud’s commitment to shaping the digital landscape and empowering the next generation of tech innovators in North Africa. He noted that the conference demonstrates Huawei’s dedication to building a dynamic developer ecosystem by providing essential insights and tools for leveraging Huawei Cloud technologies.

Omar Fathy, the HDC Competition Winner of 2022, also spoke at the event, highlighting the significance of the Huawei Developer Competition in showcasing technical excellence, uncovering outstanding projects, and recognising top talent. This year’s theme, “Spark Infinity,” invites developers to explore new possibilities by providing access to APIs and development tools, fostering innovation and value creation.

Huawei’s “Developer Conference Northern Africa 2024” in Cairo marks a significant milestone in its mission to build a fully connected, intelligent world.