Powerful Vehicle Intelligence With Virtually Unlimited Scalability


PlateSmart Technologies, the pioneers of software-only automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) technology, has introduced a new ALPR and vehicle intelligence platform with almost unprecedented scalability and analytics: PlateSmart ARES 3.0.

This enterprise-grade solution employs cutting-edge AI and deep learning to extract vehicle data and allow users to analyze vehicle activities, from a single vehicle to thousands. It can monitor virtually any number of cameras and return search results in mere seconds, making it an especially valuable asset. And the software’s new engine is capable of reliably monitoring up to three lanes of traffic with a single camera.

“The future of ALPR technology is in the intelligence that the data can provide,” said John Chigos, CEO, PlateSmart. “And that’s what ARES 3.0 delivers. Because of its scalability, it’s appropriate for everything from municipalities looking to monitor thousands of cameras as part of citywide surveillance to the retailer wanting to analyse vehicle traffic to offer better customer services, like faster curbside pickup.”

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Users monitor cameras and access analytics via the software’s Security Intelligence browser-based interface. From there, users can narrow down vehicle data to what is most important to them:

  • Search for vehicles within a specific date range and time of day.
  • Filter results by any plate or vehicle attributes.
  • Choose cameras and search only their feeds.

These search tools can be combined for almost unlimited search combinations, saving time and providing the intelligence the user needs. And search results appear within seconds, regardless of the number of cameras, for the fastest possible decision-making.

The comprehensive ARES 3.0 Analytics allows users to get a wealth of information about a vehicle’s travel habits:

  • See a vehicle’s travel history.
  • Limit travel history by date, time, and/or camera location.
  • Determine travel time between cameras.
  • See the most common routes a vehicle has taken.
  • Proactively predict where and when a vehicle of interest will be seen.

Such insights will be particularly valuable for law enforcement and security personnel at large sites such as airports that are interested in either tracking a suspect or determining if the travel behaviour could be indicative of a threat.

Traffic density analysis is ideal for traffic studies. It examines how many vehicles make use of roads during particular dates and times:

  • See hotspots – where vehicles travel the most and points of congestion.
  • Filter by camera(s) for more detailed intelligence about an area.

Searches and analysis can be exported, as well, in JSON, CSV, or XLSX formats for additional sharing – and additional analysis.

“PlateSmart ARES 3.0 is, in a nutshell, unlike any other ALPR or vehicle recognition solution out there,” Chigos said. “The AI-driven analytics are second to none, and make the software proactive and predictive, so crime can be stopped before it occurs.

And best of all, this wealth of data belongs to the customer. They decide where to store it and for how long. They choose who has access to it. PlateSmart never touches it.”