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AI, Explain Yourself!

As machine learning becomes more powerful, the onus will be on businesses to account for what their algorithms know or how they know it. Everybody...
Top cybersecurity software

Top 10 Cybersecurity Software For Enterprises

Data breaches are all across the headlines. Companies are aware that even if they have SOX or PCI compliance, new compliance regulations require more...

Novi Labs Announces The Release Of Novi Data Engine 

Novi Data Engine enables oil & gas companies to seamlessly ingest, validate, process, and transform hybrid datasets. Novi Labs, Inc. announces the release of Novi...
BeyondMinds Works With AWS to Make Its AI Platform Available Globally

BeyondMinds Works With AWS To Take Its AI Platform Global

BeyondMinds, an enterprise AI software provider for delivering fully managed, production-grade AI solutions on top of its turnkey AI platform, is now a member...

CISA Warns Over FiveHands File-encrypting Malware Variant

New malware has already been used in a cyberattack against one organisation. The US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has warned organisations to be...

Appen Leads Industry In Creating AI That Works For Everyone

Appen’s range of AI projects and diverse global contractor network ensure unbiased AI data for fair and equitable AI projects  Appen Limited, the provider of...

Why Language Matters

Customers’ winks, their ticks, their choice of words make up a map of their desires and doubts. Natural Language Processing algorithm helps parse through...
Top 10 Endpoint Security Providers

Top 10 Endpoint Security Providers

Endpoint security, expected to reach $22.1 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 8 per cent during the period from 2020 to 2028, is...

Cloud Is Taking The Middle East By Storm

From BFSI and IT & telecommunications to energy and utilities verticals, businesses are adopting cloud computing services rapidly. Smart city initiatives in Saudi Arabia...

AWS Adds Satellite Ground Station To Its Seoul Data Centre Region

The company adds the ninth ground station to its data centre network Amazon Web Services has expanded its AWS Ground Station platform to its Asia...

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