Ascribe Launches A New Release Of AI Coder


Ascribe announces a new release of AI Coder, which creates a theme-based codebook and codes the verbatim responses automatically. AI Coder enables responses to be coded and a summary delivered within an hour, lowering costs and time to completion.

Open-end, text-based comments are some of the most valuable data collected to understand consumer thoughts and behaviour, yet tabulating them to provide quantitative insights is time-consuming and labour intensive. Finding ways to automate verbatim coding while allowing coders to maintain control of the results is at the heart of Coder innovation. AI Coder, a feature within Ascribe’s Coder verbatim management system, identifies the top codes with one click and even connects codes to segments. Coders can easily edit the codebook, create nets, and leverage other Coder features.

“Our customers are constantly asking us to help improve the productivity of their coding operations. Ascribe’s new AI Coder is the closest we have come to fully automated verbatim coding, and I believe this innovation will be a game-changer in the industry,” says Rick Kieser, Ascribe CEO. “AI Coder delivers incredible results, and our coding partners are excited about its potential.”

In a Product Concept Study test vs manual coding with Coder, AI Coder delivered 95% accuracy in 30 per cent of the time, with 70 per cent labour saving. Coding Experts partner Sandi says, “I am excited about AI Coder. The new version is a significant step forward. It is very smart and sophisticated. I love that it cannot only pick out segments to build codes but also build nets. It is going to be very helpful when we have large studies.” Contact Ascribe to learn more.