Staff Articles


Big Data and Analytics: Benefits, Challenges and Pitfalls

In today’s complex business environment, big data is growing in acceptance and importance. It is a critical decision-making resource for executives, especially those managing large...

Explained: Digital Twin

A digital twin is a virtual prototype of a physical product, giving us a glimpse into what is happening or what can happen in...
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Tech Innovations You Can’t Miss At Expo 2020 Dubai

Did you know that some of the transformative innovations -- from the telephone and the air conditioning to IMAX -- were launched at expo...

Synthetic Data Key To Staying Ahead, Say 89% of Tech Execs

Synthetic data has been used throughout the AI industry  -- from synthetic line drawings for early vision systems, through synthetic video feeds for the...

For Hybrid Cloud, Containers Come To The Rescue 

So much has been made of the digital transformation, boosting organisational efficiency and innovation, but less is said of the role containers play in...

Why Your Business Needs Anomaly Detection

Today, managing and monitoring the distributed system’s performance is a struggle, though necessary. With hundreds of thousands of items to watch, anomaly detection can...

Middle East IT Heads Are Well-Equipped for Cybersecurity Future

“In 2021 and beyond, the technological advances within 5G networks, cloud, edge computing, and touchless interfaces will give rise to new types of security...

Are You Keeping A Tab On The Cloud? 

Although it is difficult to pin down just one factor that makes cloud computing such a game-changer for businesses, perhaps key benefits rest in...

Enterprise AI Isn’t A Magic Bullet

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fundamental organisational asset to reboot business in today’s world -- to find more efficiency, business opportunity, and speed-to-value, says...

When The Chips Are Down

From gaming consoles and laptops to washing machines and fridges, chips are in billions of products -- everything. But there’s not enough to go...

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